"Please excuse this blogger's absence." (a note in haiku)

I have not been well. Indeed, I had a few days where I was not fully convinced of my own humanity. (Also, I was having febrile "dreams" in HTML.)

I think I'm on the mend. However, I seem to be unable to crank out an actual blog entry. Rather, I'm coughing up language in 17 syllable chunks. The course of my illness after the jump. Just in case I'm still contagious, don't lick your keyboard.

Started like a cold
Tickling trickle of mucous
Concrete in my throat.

Soreness in my joints
Fatigue grinding heavily
Knocks me off my feet.

Fever sets up shop
Brain strains to find coherence
Worn out from delirium.

Fever breaks at last
Dreamless sleep seems possible
But now, the couging.

My phlegm-filled skull
Thick green sheets choke all breathing
Drowning in my head.

Immune system mocks
Eyes reddened, limbs unsteady
May I blog now please?


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Wow. I think the stanza beginning "my phlegm-filled skull" may be the most disgusting haiku I've ever read. Congratulations! And I hope you feel better soon.

Dreaming in HTML... are you sure you haven't caught a macro virus? (Sorry, it had to be said> :-) )

"Don't lick your keyboard" To steal a joke from Mr. Conley: "I can honestly say the thought had never occurred to me. But now I'm having trouble getting it out of my mind".

Seriously, get well soon...

By David Harmon (not verified) on 15 Apr 2006 #permalink

I was going to say that "my phlegm-filled skull" was my favorite. What's disgusting about it?

I had this flu-like thing a few weeks ago with the most awful diarrhea, accompanied by gut-wrenching multicolored emesis...I could probably top that haiku, but then we'd start a haiku war and drive away all the readers, and Seed would go bankrupt.

The on that frightened me most was about trying to blog despite the phlegm filled skull. Get some sleep!

And get well. We'll all be around.