Not out of the woods yet.

Perhaps when I said I was on the mend I was jumping the gun a little ...

Light seeps through closed lids
Awake, yet eyes won't open


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Or at least, I think he was trying to make a point, but I'm not entirely sure. Joel Rosenberg, author of Everything You Need to Know About (Legally) Carrying a Handgun in Minnesota and proprietor of the web site "Jew with a gun," entered the Hennepin County Office Building to keep an appointment…

I didn't realize that conjunctivitis was the same thing as "pink eye." "Conjunctivitis" sounds so horrible, and then in the common name they go and throw in "pink." I guess they were going more for description when they did that.

Well, conjunctivitis doesn't always cause pink eyes. They're mostly synonyms but aren't 100% overlapping sets. My daughter went through a year where she'd get conjunctivitis about every other month--the nasty, goopy stuff that caused her eyelids to stick shut, but her eyes never really reddened. But, yeah, no fun--hope you're feeling better, Janet, and that it's not affecting the kiddos. (Pink eye just went around my son's preschool, but luckily hasn't hit him thus far).

Duke joins me in wishing you health--SOON--with no spread to Sprogs or better-half.

By Super Sally (not verified) on 17 Apr 2006 #permalink

Dr. Stemwedel,
Don't you know mothers can't be sick?

By Fred Gray (not verified) on 17 Apr 2006 #permalink