A hail of random bullets until I find time for a real post.

I actually have a longish post I'm working on (about whistleblowing), plus a bazillion submissions for the upcoming Skeptics' Circle to sort through, but between teaching and grading and coaching and making lunches, well, there are a bunch of important tidbits that will fall through the cracks unless I give you a random bullets post:

*DonorsChoose is in the middle of a California Back to School Challenge, a drive to raise $250,000 to fund teachers' proposals for California classrooms by September 30 -- and they've lined up matches to double contributions. If you're so inclined, toss them a few buck to make a big difference.

*Student Pugwash USA has launched a blog, MindFull, "to engage students across the country in substantive discussion regarding ethical matters that span a variety of science and technology disciplines. The blog will offer regular postings on peace and security, emerging technology, health, energy and environment, and scientific integrity. It will also feature expert guest blogger entries on Wednesdays."

*Say happy 150th birthday to mauve! It's true, and Chemical Heritage has a cool feature article about the birth of the synthetic dye industry

*Last chance for Skeptics' Circle submissions! Get them to me by 3 PM (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, September 13.

More soon!

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The next meeting of the Skeptics' Circle will be happening right here on Thursday, September 14. You can send links to your posts about pseudo-science, quackery, tales of the paranormal, urban (or suburban, or rural) legends, and critical thinking to me. I'd appreciate getting the submissions by…
Student Pugwash has launched a very interesting science, environment, and technology guide for young voters. Press release below. Student Pugwash USA Launches Science Policy Election Guide for Young Voters Washington, DC (March 5, 2008): Addressing questions about climate change, energy security,…
tags: DonorsChoose2008, education, public school education, fund raising, evolution education, nature education, bird education Today is a special day because today is the first day of my DonorsChoose Challenge. DonorsChoose is a fund-raising campaign where the public can help classrooms…
The ScienceBlogs bloggers, led by Janet, are trying to raise money to fund in class projects for math and science teachers. To donate to the evolgen pledge drive, click here and choose one of listed proposals to partially fund. I have also posted a link to the DonorsChoose website on my sidebar (on…