Catch you in the (near) future: another meme before getting on a plane.

Today the Free-Ride family schleps to the airport (with what seem to be crates of warm layers) to fly East. Assuming Super Sally's wireless internet allows it, I'll have a Friday Sprog Blog up sometime Friday.

I guess that also assumes that there are no missed connections or flight cancellations. Let's hope.

Anyway, Dave Munger tagged me with another meme, so I'm posting my response before I officially become a Holiday Traveler.

The question:

What one sentence would you tell the future if your area of expertise was about to expire? For example, Richard Feynman, the physicist, said, "The world is made of atoms."

If ethics in science were to expire, I suppose my one sentence would need to be:

"Behaving like a decent human being makes for better scientific knowledge, not worse."

If you're reading this, you're tagged.

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Getting things done in Academia
toward building your intellectual infrastructure

"The energy of any molecule is an eigenvalue that is completely described by the wavefunction and hamiltonian, but the position and momentum operators do not commute."

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