San Francisco millionth comment party this Friday night!

Just a quick reminder that the San Francisco party to celebrate one million comments on ScienceBlogs is tomorrow, Friday, September 26, starting at 9:00 PM at Tonic, 2360 Polk Street (at the corner of Union). I'll be there, as will the brothers Bleiman, Craig McClain, Josh Rosenau, and Razib. If you show up, you'll be there, too!

Also, don't forget that until the end of September you can still enter the drawing for a fabulous trip to New York City, including a dinner with your favorite ScienceBlogger.

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I'll be in San Francisco on the 26th at a Million Comment Party for ScienceBlogs. Specifically, I'll be hanging with the Bleiman Brothers, Craig, Janet and Josh. So again, 9 PM on Friday the 26th @ Tonic

Would it be wrong to bring my sister if I won? Am I ineligible for that reason? I've heard good things about this new place, Per Se. Is that where we're going?

By Uncle Fishy (not verified) on 25 Sep 2008 #permalink

By the way, if any commenter is reading this and wants to carpool from the palo alto/mountain view/cupertino area that would be awesome. My email is linakalia AT (or just comment here).