Snail eradication (day 30).

Despite the threatening skies yesterday morning, it did not rain. And, it was pretty dry this morning.

Accordingly, the gastropods seemed to have better things to do than sliding along the dry surfaces of my plants, meal or no meal.

Luckily, I've identified a few instant-gratification spots for the slug portion of my patrol. These include the sides of a bucket under the lemon tree, the watering can near the raised beds, the underside of the composter lid, and a bag of mulch, a bag of compost, and a bag of potting soil (the portions of the bags in contact with the ground). Four out of six of these locations yielded slugs today.

While I was doing the close visual inspection of the vegetable garden, I also spied a few snails stuck on the sides of the raised beds on the edge right near the fence we share with a neighbor. To reach them, I had to locate a long enough garden stake and then patiently roll them along the ground to freedom.

And soapy, merciful deliverance.

Just after I had extracted the snails, the younger Free-Ride offspring appeared outside, eager to help me face down the gastropod menace. When I explained that the conditions made for slim pickings, disappointment ensued.

But then it occurred to me that next weekend, the snailing will fall to the Free-Ride offspring and Dr. Free-Ride's better half. I'll be off at my college reunion, after all. I will see if I can coax updates (or at least data collection) out of them while I'm away.

Today's take: eleven slugs and three snails.

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