You Are All Part of My Delusion

SEED is asking us the following question:

"Will the "human" race be around in 100 years?"

Considering: (1) the entire universe is just an artifact of my imagination; (2) when I die everything in the universe (including humans) will disappear; and (3) I doubt that I will live 100 more years. I'd say, "NO, the human race will not be around in 100 years." These questions are so much easier when you don't constrain yourself within the bounds of reality.

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These questions are so much easier when you don't constrain yourself within the bounds of reality.

Philip Johnson called. He said that his people have a monopoly on the matter.

A true solipsist would deny the possibility that he could ever die.

I think, also, the correct answer would be, "In 100 years? You aren't here even now!"

But what if there is a real world, and this world exists only in my imagination? So, I die in less than 100 years in the real world, and this world dies with me. I just went The Matrix on all y'all.