SMBE 2007


This year's meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution will take place at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia (conference webpage). I'm going, and so are Reed Cartwright and Jason Stajich. Additionally, Rosie Redfield and John Logsdon have each been invited to give a talk at the conference. As you can see, there will be a blogger presence at the meeting.

Are you going to the conference? If you are (whether you're a blogger or not), you should join the SMBE 2007 group on the Nature Network. And if you haven't already signed up for the Nature Network (it's like Facebook for science dorks), set up an account and add yourself to the SMBE 2007 group.

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OK, I joined this Nature Networks thing and posted a reply to the meetup suggestion.

But there's almost nobody and nothing happening at the Nature Networks site. Is this because it's very very new? Can there really be so few science dorks? Or is what it's offering not really what anyone wants?

And why, when I search it for "SMBE" or "SMBE 2007", does it claim this group doesn't exist?

I can't figure out why the group doesn't show up in searches.

Jacob, go to the Nature Network page and add a comment. We're trying to put together a meet-up.

Same thing for you Reed -- add yourself and Prof. S. Steve to the list.