Bush Vetoes Stem-Cell Bill

Almost as if to confirm what I wrote in yesterday's post, President Bush vetoed the stem-cell bill. The New York Times has the basic facts.

I won't rehash here the utter vacuity of the arguments made by the anti-stem cell crowd. I would like to point out, however, that after the Presidetn made his appalling statement announcing the veto, the cable news channels couldn't wait to fall into line behind the President.

MSNBC had on, unopposed, Dr. Bernardine Healy to tell everyone that adult stem cells are the way to go.

Fox News had Fred Barnes on, unopposed, to support the President's veto.

CNN merely had on a reporter to explain what happened, and their political analyst Bill Schneider, who only talked about the politics of the situation.

All three news channels quickly moved on to other subjects. Draw you rown conclusions.


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