Why I Like Keith Olbermann

From Tuesday's show::

OLBERMANN: Yes, I understand that. You know, one of the other you's in there is Karl Rove that story about him possibly being in charge of the presidential library, the creation museum of presidential libraries then. What does this tell us about the relationship of the truth to now not the administration of George W. Bush but the legacy of George W. Bush? (Emphasis Added)


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Keith Olbermann always has soft ballers on his program. What a liby.

Library? What books will it have in it besides a bible?

The creation museum analogy is apt. Earth created in six days with no further evolution-like development despite claims of evolutionists. Iraq war won in 100 hours with no significant resistance despite reports of journalists.


Reality has a liberal bias. You can call Olbermann what you wish but, I defy you to call him wrong or incorrect.

By Steverino (not verified) on 23 Nov 2007 #permalink