I am pleased to report that Jim's comment in the big Creation Museum post is the 10,000th comment left at this blog since the jump to ScienceBlogs. As always, many thanks to all the folks who have stopped by to offer their thoughts!

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This blog is slowly approaching a nice round number - 10,000 comments. I know this is not Pharyngula where this would take an hour or two to fill, but still, we can get the remaining 200+ comments in over the next few days, can't we? The person who posts the 10,000th non-spam comment will get a…

I am waiting with bated breath for my prize to show up at my front door ... I hope it's something good.

Jason, I visit many blogs, but I only comment on those few that I consider to be the very best. Your's fits the bill. Keep up the great work.

I am waiting with bated breath for my prize to show up at my front door ... I hope it's something good.

Probably either a car or a goat. How many front doors do you have?

Either would be fine. I can sell a car & goats are delicious.

I meant to express congratulations.

Thanks for all the kind words. And Jim, thanks for making my 10,000th comment such a good one.

" dinosaurs traveled on Noah's Ark"
I just copied this from the report on the museum. I have been a born again Christian 30 years come this June. I don't know if that just put a bulls-eye on my back or not. Here is a solid vote for Not!LOL!
I never heard anyone postulate that the dinosaurs were on the ark with Noah. It would put a cramp in the idea of a cubit being such a small measurement! LOL!
My 3 decades of trying to walk with God have taught me to try to be nice! And considerate of every one's feelings. The old, do unto others as you would have them do unto you!
I am sorry some people got upset about the museum. I always try to see the good in and from things. Helping out the economy has to be good, and if people get upset about it maybe they can just figure if they had a freak show there it would help the economy too?
I am a Christian who believes in the Big Bang and all the latest cosmological theories and most of the abstract and conceptional theories that are in vogue.
I believe there is no denying the beauty and elegance of so many scientific disciplines! Physics, chemistry, mathematics and on and on...
Dave Briggs :~)