I've already received quite a few submissions for the big Carnival of Evolution. Alas, I have also received a few submissions which, while good, were outside the parameters of what I had in mind. So let me offer two clarifications:
- I'm looking specifically for writing first posted on blogs. One of the main purposes of the Carnival is to provide publicity for good writing at undeservedly obscure blogs.
- I'm looking for recent writing, say, within the last two months.
Sorry if these points weren't clear with the initial announcement. I appreciate all the submissions. Keep 'em coming!
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Dear Jason,
This is off topic-- but I am starting to sketch out ideas for a 200th Darwin birthday poster -- and wonder if you have some suggestions on themes we should illustrate.
I like the idea of art challenging people to think about Darwin and his contribution to our thinking -- we can illustrate about twenty species in addition to a picture of Darwin.
So for the illustration- what are the top 5 things about Darwin you'd like people to know about?
Best fishes,
Timothy Colman
800 631 3086
I like the idea of art challenging people to think about Darwin and his contribution to our thinking