Statham Finally Getting the Respect He Deserves

In the spirit of ending the week with lighter fare, don't miss this article, from Slate, extolling the considerable talents of action star Jason Statham. He is one of those actors who, even when he is in bad movies (as he often is) , always comes off looking good.

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Damned right. Crank, while not exactly high-brow, was one of the most entertaining movies I've ever seen.

Completely underrated if you ask me.

By ThomHoiho (not verified) on 17 Apr 2009 #permalink

Could not agree more with you ThomHoiho. Crank might be the radist movie ever made outside of Commando. I have yet to be entertained by a Statham performance and more important than that he is the only Action Star we have left (well that does not go straight to dvd.)

The first Transporter movie remains my favorite Statham performance. But that doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to seeing Crank 2!

Jason Statham is simply badass, and Crank high voltage was a big surprise for me. It's a pure adrenaline rush!

It's odd to read the Slate piece given their acceptance of "Crank" and Statham's other movies and the general disdain people had for "Shoot 'Em Up", Clive Owen's entrant in the absurd violence/comedy genre. While I would not denigrate "Crank" (I enjoyed the movie as much as any lover of graphic novel glee) if "Crank" is getting a new assessment I sincerely hope "Shoot 'Em Up" gets the same treatment.