Shuster Brings the Funny

An amusing comment from last night's Countdown. Guest host David Shuster was siting in for Keith Olbermann:

On this day in 1925, an anniversary of note if your name is Sam Brownback. High school biology teacher John T. Scopes was found guilty of breaking a Tennessee state law, teaching evolution. Scopes was fined 100 dollars for telling his students about Darwin. The conviction was later overturned.

Meanwhile, the GOP has since acknowledged that evolution as an important scientific theory, since they have evolved from Abraham Lincoln to Joe the Plumber. Wait, wrong direction!

Heh! I am preemptively hurling mental scorn at anyone who criticizes Shuster on the grounds that evolution isn't always progressive.

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Evolution has no direction. It is good for republican survival to revert to a lower intelligence level. So the evolutional pressure is for them to get smaller brains at each mating cycle.

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