Hitting the Road

I've decided it's time to get out of Virginia for two weeks or so. I came up with the most exciting and exotic locales I could think of. I will be visiting central New Jersey, Philadelphia, upstate New York and New York City. Do I know how to travel or what?

It'll be a mix of business and pleasure, but blogging will be very sporadic while I'm gone. Sorry about that.

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You must have a very reliable pet-sitter! :-)

If you are giving any public talks, could you please provide a schedule? Thanks.

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 29 Jun 2012 #permalink

GeoJim --

I do, indeed, have a very reliable pet sitter. Emily the cat will be well looked after while I'm gone.

Reginald --

Alas, I won't be giving any public talks during this trip. But you can be sure that I'll announce anything here as they arise.