So Much For The Nightly Show

We're only six episodes into The Nightly Show, the program Comedy Central put on to replace Colbert, but I'm about ready to write it off. Larry Wilmore, the show's host, was pretty funny as a correspondent for The Daily Show, so I was optimistic. But it was not to be. The basic format is this: In the first segment Wilmore does a monologue on some issue of note. In the second segment there is a discussion of the issue with four guests. In the third, the panel is asked blunt questions, and is then judged on whether or not they are keeping it real.

The trouble is that the panelists, each night, are mostly morons. The straw that broke the camel's back, though, was tonight's episode about vaccinations. You've probably heard about the measles outbreak that started in California, one that has been badly exacerbated by high concentrations of non-vaccinated kids. Pretty important issue, I'd say. So Wilmore assembled a panel that contained precisely one doctor, a medical correspondent for ABC News. And she was pretty hapless. The other guests were a rabid anti-vaccer and two comedians. It was a dismal performance on an important issue. The anti-vaccer tossed off talking points while the other guests mostly mumbled pointlessly about how everyone wants what's best for their kids.

Maybe the show will get better, but I'm no longer optimistic.

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The new show is definitely pale potatoes compared to Colbert, but I find the format mildly refreshing and Wilmore has a certain je ne sais quoi. This panel sounds terrible though, will watch it tomorrow.

By Max Milhayser (not verified) on 27 Jan 2015 #permalink

Yeah, he could really beef up the show if he got much stronger, more serious panelists for his 'group of four' section, and then had a comedian or other less serious guest come in for a different section. I'm not asking for a clone of the Daily/Colbert format, but part of what made those shows good is that they typically had guests that had something interesting to say. They also showed that you can interview serious non-comedians in a comedy show and still make it work as a comedy show.
I'm ambivalent about the 'keep it real' part. On one hand it could be very interesting if you have political or powerful guests that are typically very cagey and they answer a question frankly/honestly because of the format. On the other, right now it seems to be used more like a 'gotcha' prank.

Frankly, I think the show sucks. The writing is just not funny and Larry Wilmore as the host is whiny and annoying. After the Daily Show, I now change channels and watch a movie.
I will continue to do this until either he is replaced in the lineup or Colbert starts up. This means I am now abandoning all the other late night shows I like on CC, but once I start a movie, I am not going back in 1/2 hour.

By J. Shifrin (not verified) on 28 Jan 2015 #permalink

Wilmore was okay as a TDS correspondent, but he was no John Oliver. The format seems a rip-off of Bill Maher's show on HBO, but without the impression of the host having done his homework that Jon Stewart, Oliver, and Maher give me. They seem to have some passion about the issues they discuss, he doesn't. Maybe he'll grow in the job or maybe he's already attuned to a key demographic which doesn't include me.

My TV/Internet/Phone deal gives me about 100 TV channels to flip through. Once in a great while there is something on one of them worth watching (usually a re-run). Sturgeon's Law needs re-calibration.

Larry is a weak tea host. He has horrible pacing, not enough charisma, and hasn't contributed enough in his time at the Daily Show to deserve Colbert's spot. I can understand starting a new show isn't easy, but in his first couple episodes, he hasn't proven that he's just a little rough around the edges like John Oliver, but rather that he isn't very talented period. If Comedy Central wanted to mix things up in late night, they should have given Samantha Bee a show. I'm sorry but she can run circles around Larry WiIlmore.

i hunted this blog by search nightly show sucks just so i can vent. i agree with everyone here. very weak. no charisma. its painful to watch. dry whiny sarcasm doesn't go over well in the large doses he's giving it. i'm done with it.

In my opinion, The Nightly Show sucks. But that's not the only reason I boycott it until it's inevitable cancellation. I couldn't believe that this was the show to replace the legacy that once was Colbert Report. Seriously. The Nightly Show is unoriginal, not saying that news comedy isn't funny, but this is the wrong kind. Larry doesn't deliver. In fact, it's the guests that he has on the panel that make the show barely enjoyable for the few minutes of the segment. The show's jokes aren't creative. Remember how intricate Colbert's jokes were that had the picture thingy related to the topic that made you think how clever they were? The Nightly Show isn't a good show and is also a terrible replacement.

he hasn’t proven that he’s just a little rough around the edges like John Oliver, but rather that he isn’t very talented period.

John Oliver would've been my first choice as replacement, however he was already snagged by another network. Still, many of the other daily show correspondents would have been decent choices.
Looking at that list, its interesting to note that the Daily Show also launched the careers of Steve Carrell and Caroline Rhea (and Craig Kilborn, though he was host rather than correspondent). Also I think John Hodgeman has moved on because he got bigger parts in other things, though details escape me.

Sorry, we can't see this back in old England. Can we change the subject?

P.S. - Seems like we're not missing much

Phil B, you get Ten O'clock Live, Eight Out of Ten Cats and Mock the Week, don't you? They're all better than this, so no, you're not missing much.

By Buttermilk Sky (not verified) on 03 Feb 2015 #permalink

I hate to sound racist but he got the show because he's black, they wanted to expand that demographic and it's failed miserably for obvious reasons. Otherwise it would be Jason Jones, Sam Bee, or even Aasif hosting 11:30, they all are funnier and would've been something to look forward to watching again and again nightly.

By Tell It Like It Is (not verified) on 03 Feb 2015 #permalink

@12 - In that case, Jessica Williams would've been a better choice. More cutting wit, less whine.

Gave the show a couple weeks even tho i didnt really like it. Panel of nobodys talking. Wilmore needs to much camera and audio time of himself. Wont be watching. Hurry up COLBERT!!!

Buttermilk -

Thanks for the reassurance. But do you get "QI" or "Have I got news for you"? Better than the ones you mentioned.

I watched the first two episodes of The Nightly Show and knew I was done with it. I am a liberal progressive who supports minority rights; I am completely with the Fergusson protestors and the anti-police brutality protesters. But the show got way too preachy on race. I felt attacked simply for being white, even though I vote and donate money and time to the very same causes that Wilmore was advocating. Someone like Chris Rock may have been able to make certain arguments aggressively, without coming off as so disapproving of white people merely for their skin color. Maybe if Wilmore actually made me laugh, while attacking my race, it wouldn't come off so much as preachy.

But even beyond that simple fact that it was too preachy on racial issues, it also was just not entertaining. I don't think I laughed a single time; well, that's not entirely true... When he started throwing coasters and teabags at his panelists, I did laugh out loud, but that was because I was shocked at the amazingly low-budget and low-intellect drivel I was watching. I felt like someone was playing a really bad joke on me; this replaced Colbert?

My wife and I discussed and agreed that Samantha and Jason should have been the hosts of the show. It could have been a "Weekend Update"-like format, a la Saturday Night Live, with two faux-news anchors.

Someone above in this comments section also mentioned Aasif or Jessica as prospective hosts for this new show. I would also toss Lewis Black in the ring (though he wouldn't be my first choice either). Any of these people would have been better candidates.

Lastly, Wilmore's voice is crass and shril. His laugh is piercing, and not in a "when-I-laugh,-it-makes-you-want-to-laugh-too" sort of way, but rather, when he laughs, I have to block my ears because again, it is so utterly shrill, like his voice.

Here's hoping to a hastened cancellation.

Thanks for the summary of the vax show. I didn't watch it because I knew the respect given to each side would not be proportional to the evidence for their claims.

I haven't watched it since.

By Walt Jones (not verified) on 07 Feb 2015 #permalink

Why did you bother watching? This is supposed to be a comedy show so of course there were comedians. And one of those comedians did an excellent job of making anti-vaxxers look like selfish morons.

If you want a medical debate then don't watch Comedy Central.

By Get a Sense of… (not verified) on 07 Feb 2015 #permalink

I agree with the majority here: the show is a grave disappointment as a replacement for Colbert. I enjoyed Wilmore's segments on The Daily Show, but he just doesn't seem to have the chops for a whole show of his own. The format is boring, the talk shrill and the set is so dreary I want to avert my eyes. I hate that upside-down map. Ugh.

It's interesting that so many viewers on various sites voice their negative reactions about the show, yet I have not found one single "official" critic who has been willing to stick their neck out and admit the show stinks. This seems like an Emperor Has No Clothes situation with all the critics on Rotten Tomatoes singing Wilmore's praises while most of the viewers are saying "Meh, the show sucks".

The Nightly Show just plain and simple is not funny - I tried it, but it just doesnt have anything that comes close to hitting the funny bone...

Bring back Reno911~ what is that going to take..?