Ask a Science Blogger - Pickup lines

This week's question is

What are the best pickup lines for scientists and science-savvy folk?

Asking a geek this question is like asking a McDonald's chef for the recipe. Geeks don't pull. Or maybe, that's just me. Besides, I was married for nearly 20 years and I'm well out of practice. But for my money, the pickup line a woman would get me with (apart from "Are you busy?") would be:

"Would you like to find a table and discuss species concepts?"

Actually, a very nice woman asked me just that, but to my mild dismay, she actually wanted to discuss species concepts...


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What are the best pickup lines for scientists and science-savvy folk?
The editors are asking us for the best pickup lines for scientists and science-savvy folks. How's about this: Hey baby, that's a nice cleavage furrow, how about we introgress? I promise, no incomplete penetrance.
Question: What are the best pickup lines for scientists and science-savvy folk?... I'll go narrow-church: low mutational load baby, look beyond the proximate and focus on the ultimate.

"Is that a new species emerging in your pocket are are you just pleased to see me?"

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 15 Nov 2006 #permalink

Oh, no. So if I asked you your opinion of species concepts, you'd think I was hitting on you?

This is going to put a chill on our future conversations, you know.

I dunno. Wanna recombine our DNA? Any pickup line that doesn't get me hit or arrested is a good one.

By William the Coroner (not verified) on 15 Nov 2006 #permalink

I dunno about science pickup lines, but I once knew a graduate student in music theory who, when he went to a bar, used to spread out his Schenker graphs (the approximate musical equivalent of diagramming sentences) all over his table in hopes of attracting music theorists of the female variety.

No word on whether he succeeded.

By anomalous4 (not verified) on 15 Nov 2006 #permalink

Seeing as I don't hang around physics types, I can't ever see myself giving this one a try:

"Say, isn't that Schoerdinger's Dress you're wearing -- and I don't suppose there's a chance that perhaps later on I might get to collapse your waveform?"

Yeah, I know. LAAAAAME.

By G Barnett (not verified) on 16 Nov 2006 #permalink

Schroedinger's dress, huh? Now that's a mental picture. Kink-eeeee!!!

Remains to be seen if it will ever replace the black lace teddy, though........

By anomalous4 (not verified) on 17 Nov 2006 #permalink

To paraphrase Woody Allen in "Crimes and Misdemeanors":

"Do you want to exchange ideas or bodily fluids?"