Improving the fitness of my readers

If you had a lonely Valentine's Day, it's my fault. I should have passed along these infallible Darwinian pick-up lines to you.

It's not too late, though…there's a weekend coming up, try them out and let us all know how it works out.


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I've forwarded the "skepchick" page URL to ALL my friends!

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 15 Feb 2007 #permalink


PZ had posted about a list made of scientists who had a certain name or whose names started with a certain letter and who agreed with the theory of evolution as developed from Darwin's ideas.

I believe this was a refutation/satire of lists made by creationists trying to show how many scientist supporters they have (with lots of professors from Russia, Turkey, and the Ukraine).

I need a link to this list to refute an ID'er who is making a big deal out of their list of anti-evolutionists. THANKS.

I think #7 is damn clever.

THANKS!!! with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

My favorite was this one by Joshua:

Baby, I got just what you need: matching pairs of your beneficial but recessive alleles.

These would totally work on me.

Just call me helicase, cause I'd like to unzip your genes....

By Zuckerfrosch (not verified) on 15 Feb 2007 #permalink

Just call me helicase, cause I'd like to unzip your genes....


And then I got the pun, too -- it's a quarter to 3 at night.


By David Marjanović (not verified) on 15 Feb 2007 #permalink

Ok, the helicase one would get me.

How about this one; it worked for me 35 years ago and now I'm a grandfather;
"Baby, I'm not all that far removed; how about some wild monkey love that will shake the trees?"

Just call me helicase, cause I'd like to unzip your genes....


My own humble submission is one for mathematicians:

"Hey, Baby, I hope you're differentiable, because I'd love to be the tangent to your curves."

"Hey, Baby, I hope you're differentiable, because I'd love to be the tangent to your curves."


By David Marjanović (not verified) on 17 Feb 2007 #permalink

This is fun, but wanna bet some irate bible thumper will use these "against" us? (I don't care, of course, since part of "our" message should be that sex is fun!)

Just call me helicase, cause I'd like to unzip your genes....


And then I got the pun, too -- it's a quarter to 3 at night.


By David Marjanović (not verified) on 15 Feb 2007 #permalink

"Hey, Baby, I hope you're differentiable, because I'd love to be the tangent to your curves."


By David Marjanović (not verified) on 17 Feb 2007 #permalink

Thnks vry mch fr shrng ths ntrstng pst. I m jst strtng p my wn blg nd ths hs gvn m nsprtn t wht I cn chv.

By Kelly Capp (not verified) on 01 Jan 2010 #permalink