Agnostics on notice


Hat tip: Pharyngula


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Click the picture to visit the poll. Hat tip: Pharyngula of the Polls.
Monique Davis! Hey, I didn't know Abe Lincoln was an Atheist. Cool. Hat Tip: Pharyngula
A rough guide to your Western Heritage. I like "We've all got a birth certificate from Kenya" Hat Tip: Pharyngula
Their proposals need to be subject to argument and amenable to reason. and so on. Hat Tip: Pharyngula.

I relate to misotheism, personally.

Sam Harris says it best, I believe. There are no words for someone who doesn't believe in Athena or Santa Claus or astrology.

Why is there one for disbelievers of god(s)?

Why Ron Numbers? I haven't read his book, but I have read an interview with him and he didn't sound like an agnostic theist, or any other sort of fence-sitter.