Who should play me on the SEED Movie?

So, we're discussing, in our deep dark headquarters and in between scheming to take over the world, who should play us when the Hollywood film comes out.

See below the fold for the choice made for me...

It so has to be Tom Selleck. The younger one, of course.


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Uh huh. As one of my psychology profs once said, "We all live in our own private fantasy world". That was before blogging, of course. :)

Could you give us some advance warning when you're about to take over this world? I need to find another world and that may take a few days.

I hope you don't mind if I skip the movie when it first comes out in theaters? I'll wait for it to be on TV (free).

Well, my scenes so far appear to be -

FAT GUY IN GORILLA SUIT SITTING AT COMPUTER: Chuckles. Frowns. Types vigorously. Laughs.

so I don't expect it to be all that popular at the cinemas.

FAT GUY IN GORILLA SUIT SITTING AT COMPUTER: Chuckles. Frowns. Types vigorously. Laughs.

Camera zooms in on monitor allowing audience to read title of document being typed:

"The Merchant of Venice"

For some reason, this made me think of one of my favourite little Aussie movies The Dish, so it would either be Sam Neill or, perhaps, the actor who played the mayor - or maybe even the one who played PM.

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 13 Mar 2007 #permalink

FAT GUY IN GORILLA SUIT SITTING AT COMPUTER: Chuckles. Frowns. Types vigorously. Laughs.

Thank God! At least this time the mental image has something on! (What? No chains?)

I can see it now. . ."Leonardo DiCaprio plays a tortured Philosopher trying desperately to define just what the hell a species is in this riveting psychological thriller. . ."

LOL! Really.

I think a philosopher's descent into madness would be less interesting to see than to read. There's a reason why Nietzsche hasn't been the subject of a popular film biofic.