Maurruzh in the pit of hell

The arch-Enemy of all humanity, PZ Mocals, has posted what he no doubt thinks is a funny skit. I told him good, I did. There's no way we can tolerate this attack of godlessness.

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You think your treatment by PZ shabby, do you? Bloody agnostic! Any attempt at a virtual counterattack of "Can't be sure about God" towards The Master shall be attended to with the bared fangs of we, the minions.

I've already told PZ that the virtual disclaimer of liability he issued isn't worth the electrons its is written on. If he thinks that little suburban pit of hell he inhabits is supposed to be scarey, he's never seen the inside of a real court. I'll be sending you the retainer agreement.

Is he who shall remain nameless getting soft?

His verbiage was almost humorous :o)

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 30 Sep 2007 #permalink

"Pit of hell"? I was describing a cozy little place I like to snuggle up in!

And you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to react to my heathenly strident atheism by announcing that you're reconsidering your support for good science education, and if I get any louder that you're going to join your local fundamentalist church.

You're supposed to react to my heathenly strident atheism by announcing that you're reconsidering your support for good science education, and if I get any louder that you're going to join your local fundamentalist church.

How would we know that you think that only fundamentalists find your act strident, since we stopped listening to you -- and the rest of scientists -- once you declared that science and atheism are one and the same thing?

"Pit of hell"? I was describing a cozy little place I like to snuggle up in!

the Cephalopod Throne.

The unamed one is reckless. Sitting on HER Throne, presumptious at the very least. She'll be a tad upset when she tastes that a vertebrate has dared sully her seat of power?

I wonder if the screams will be heard over the net.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 30 Sep 2007 #permalink

The danger in being a jerk is not that people will go over to the dark side just to get back at you, it's that some people will find you too disagreeable to listen to.