Links for losers

No, the large Hadron Collider won't destroy the earth. Go on, bet me everything you own against everything I own that there's be no strangelets or black holes as a result. You'd get four or five years enjoying my wealth. Meanwhile morons have threatened to kill physicists who are trying to understand the universe...

Bush and co. (I mean that literally - they are effectively a corporation) continue to do harm.

How white are you? [I'm not very white racially, but then I suspect I'm not very human; see avatar]

Losers in Sydney can go to a million comments party. Superlosers (those who don't live in Sydney or near it, but live in Australia) can't.

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I know FoxNews does this all the time, but sometimes I accidentally click through to their site and am shocked anew by this sort of thing: Still worried that the Large Hadron Collider will create a black hole that will destroy the Earth when it's finally switched on this summer?Um, well, you may…
Who is correct here? We don't know, you don't know, it is uncharted territory. Would you bet the entire human history and the existence of our solar system on it? I wouldn't. --from a user comment on my old website on the topic of the Large Hadron Collider Back when all the hype and hoopla…
It is said that scientists involved in the Manhattan Project to engineer and implement the first nuclear bombs seriously considered the possibility that such a bomb could initiate a chain reaction that would destroy the Earth. Now it is being claimed that the production of miniature black holes…
"Men who wish to know about the world must learn about it in its particular details." -Heraclitus This past week at Starts With A Bang put on quite a show, and you -- as always -- didn't disappoint. If you missed anything, here's what went on: Learning to chill (a guest post from Paul Halpern),…

Will the world will begin to discover, through science, that only an incomprehensible Infinite Being enables the infinite and finite to co-exist? Will science recognize the axiom?.

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Site link expunged by JSW

When will trolls begin to discover that Snowflake the Albino Gorilla is a jealous blogger. Thou shalt have no other links before me...

We should have have no fear of the black hole that will start up soon. The end of this material universe life will be so quick as to be painless. Each individual intelligence has taken 13.7 billion years to evolve. That intelligence will go through the black hole and emerge as a god in a new parallel universe. That is the source of the present ID.
It is a shame that the Cubs will be denied a chance to win the World Series.
If the world does not end, never mind.

By Ralph Stewart (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

As discussed in more detail in [37] further complications arise from the fact, that strangelets must be color singlets. This has no influence on the ground state energy
for T = 0, but for T > 0 quarks are statistically distributed over energy levels, and the color singlet constraint reduces the number of possible configurations, forcing the energy up for fixed entropy (see also [40]). The effect is important for A < 100 as illustrated in Figure 5. Similar effects result from insisting that strangelets shall have a definite momentum. These destabilising effects can be important in connection
with experiments, which inevitably create strangelets with rather high entropies. A tremendous job remains to be done in calculating the details of strangelet formation,
evolution, and decay modes, including realistic non-equilibrium effects, etc.!

It seems to me that the phrase "similar effects result from insisting that strangelets shall have a definite momentum" suggests a fundamental difference between collisions resulting naturally from cosmic ray strikes, and collisions occurring in the context of a particle accelerator which uses strong fields to control the trajectories of particles.

By Mark Adkins (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

Everything is stuck to the east side of my apartment. I can already feel my head being sucked towards Switzerland.

I'm four inches taller than I was a few minutes ago!
