What is philosophy?

Below the fold is a video produced by the Australasian Association of Philosophy back in the 1990s. The talking head is, I think, Graeme Graham Priest.

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It's not Graeme Priest.

But it surely is Graham Priest.

At least Graham Priest will have a hard time arguing why "Graeme Priest" is not the correct spelling ... oh, it is surely wrong, but according to Priest that doesn't exclude the possibility that it's right as well. Trouble like this is, in fact, the main problem for dialetheism (at least Priest's system) - even if there were dialetheia, you want to be able to at least formulate the claim that some sentence 's' isn't among them, yet there are no resources for doing exactly that (and what does that expressive limitation do to his argument against a Tarski-style solution to the semantic paradoxes? Just asking).