Wilkins is fragile and destablised
Intellectual tourist attacks local inhabitants
All happy bacteria are alike (or is that like each other?)
Australian current affairs gets vaccination right! [That's not a pun, it's an act of God] The original video is here.
Evolution does spreadsheets in origin of genetic code
Siris and Sandwalk go head to head on the Courtier's Reply. Neither of them are dressed.
Creationists misunderstand Deep Time. I'm shocked. I mean, it's only ten years since they were taken to task for it. Perhaps if they had millions of years to think it over...
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Here we go again. Ross Olson is sending more patronizing email, so I guess I'll have to be mean and tear up his prior argument.
November 18, 2009
Dr. Myers,
Thank you for posting my comments and promising to comment on the questions
I raised. Here is the introduction I gave to your debate with Dr…
Once again, Richard Lenski has replied to the goons and fools at Conservapædia, and boy, does he ever outclass them. For a quick outline of the saga, read this summary at A Candid World; basically, Andy Schlafly has been demanding every bit of data from Richard Lenski's work on the evolution of E.…
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"Wilkins is fragile and destablised"
Having a bad day, John?
"Wilkins is fragile and destablised"
Having a bad day, John?
"Wilkins is fragile and destabilised".
Not only that, he's calving!
I fear I am a coward, I couldn't bear to watch the vaccine vid. Reading the ignorant comments from the anti-vax trolls on Plait's blog was torture enough.