Advance Free Access: New Study on Twenty Years of Public Opinion about Global Warming

NOTE: Unfortunately, the article is only free access from most university IP addresses. Please email me at and I can send you a copy.

I have the following article forthcoming at the fall issue of the journal Public Opinion Quarterly that is now available as part of their free advanced access. Full text here and abstract below:

Nisbet, M.C. & Myers, T. (2007). Twenty years of public opinion about global warming. Public Opinion Quarterly, 71, 3, 1-27.

Over the past 20 years, there have been dozens of news organization, academic, and nonpartisan public opinion surveys on global warming, yet there exists no authoritative summary of their collective findings. In this article, we provide a systematic review of trends in public opinion about global warming. We sifted through hundreds of polling questions culled from more than 70 surveys administered over the past 20 years. In compiling the available trends, we summarize public opinion across several key dimensions including (a) public awareness of the issue of global warming; (b) public understanding of the causes of global warming and the specifics of the policy debate; (c) public perceptions of the certainty of the science and the level of agreement among experts; (d) public concern about the impacts of global warming; (e) public support for policy action in light of potential economic costs; and (f) public support for the Kyoto climate treaty.

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Very curious to read the full text, but having trouble accessing the full-text. Any tips?

Well I feel embarrassed about it, but off campus, free access is denied. If you are logging on from a university campus IP address, access should not be a problem. Otherwise, email me, and I will send you a PDF of the article.

Thanks, look forward to reading through the article. Can I ask how long the research took (and how many people were engaged in the collating, coding, etc)?

This was actually a project that I started in the fall of 2003, involved the assistance of two graduate students when I was on the faculty at Ohio State, including Teresa Myers, who is co-author. It was submitted in the spring of 2006 and went through multiple rounds of revision and updates.