Here we go again...another book telling us why religious belief is illogical. Shocker!
But this time it's from one of my favorite writers, John Allen Paulos. It will be interesting to see how Paulos frames his publicity campaign and what lessons might be learned from the Dawkins case. Neil deGrasse Tyson blurbs the book, so perhaps it's an improvement over the New Atheist preferred style of attacks and complaints.
It makes you wonder though, how many books confirming and reinforcing our beliefs can us atheists and skeptics read before we get bored? Ideology has a voracious appetite so don't expect this book publishing trend to go away anytime soon, but also don't expect another best-seller.
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We've got a looong way to go to catch up with the vast libraries of theology and religious apologetics...
"what lessons might be learned from the Dawkins case¨?
That there is a huge market for decently written books that tackle the supernatural assumptions of 80% of the population?
You make it sound as though attacking and complaining is a bad thing.
I was reading at B&N the other day. I didn't buy anything, but they had a stack of 10 copies of The God Delusion. I asked a clerk if they expected to sell them all. He said 'oh yes.' TGD was released in September ... of 2006.
"We've got a looong way to go to catch up with the vast libraries of theology and religious apologetics..."
Then by all means keep cranking out these repetitive texts at the highest possible speed. Who knows, somebody else may hit the Hitchens jackpot.
I'm already bored with this non-argument that persuades nobody on either side but simply gives each a slightly different hobbyhorse to wobble along on.
The entire discussion long ago went into the realm of tedium. But like all things netish, "Everything worth doing is worth overdoing." Besides, you get one bestseller in any area of publishing it becomes much easier to sell similar book to publishers. After all, if there is one thing that publishers want in "new" books it is "The same thing, only different."
The title doesn't impress me at all. However, I work at a bookstore and will skim through it on my break.
This line from the blurb is what really gets to me:
This is a sentiment that I see a lot, and it's really disappointing. Either you have to prove God exists, or you can't believe in him. A refutation of an argument for religion is an argument for atheism.
How about, "We cannot prove either way whether there is a God, so until some evidence comes up, just do what feels right, and live and let live?" I would be very surprised if there is a logical argument against that mindset in Paulos' book. Actually, I will be surprised if there's anything in this book that isn't a rehash of Dawkins. But, of course, tolerance doesn't move merchandise.
I'd be happy to live and let live. It's the religious nuts, with their continual efforts to destroy science, medicine, and education, and with their continual discrimination (often violent) against women, homosexuals, and freethinkers, that won't let me live in peace. And as for the mealy-mouthed "moderates," with their belief-in-belief, I've finally realized that they are the human shields providing cover for the attacks of the nuts.
"tolerance doesn't move merchandise"
So simply saying that the common religious arguments in favor of a personal God are fallacious is being intolerant?
You're right, Sigmund. I just checked out the book, and Paulos is pretty reasonable. There wasn't any bile on how we're responsible for all that's wrong in the world or anything like that. I take back that part of what I said. I still maintain, though, that there wasn't a lot of new material in this book.
And Margaret, have fun living your life believing that 90% of the world's population is either a nut or a meat shield. And you might want to tone down on the food metaphors.
I think the comments on this thread make it clear that the market for this sort of thing isn't likely to dry up any time soon....
"We've got a looong way to go to catch up with the vast libraries of theology and religious apologetics..."
Perhaps Dawkins, Hitchens and Paulos can pool their book royalties to put a copy of their respective tomes in the bedside tables of every motel in the world. Seriously though, I think the problem is not that there are too many books on the subject, rather it's that the same people are reading each of them. Somehow, the audience for this message needs to be extended, because I think agnostics cease to be when they think about the issue. At least, that was the case for me.
Neil deGrasse Tyson blurbs the book, so perhaps it's an improvement over the New Atheist preferred style of attacks and complaints.
I have to agree with Tyson's style. I think in intellectual debate, the one with the most open mind and manners wins, no matter the score at the end. You earn the right to be heard again.
It makes you wonder though, how many books confirming and reinforcing our beliefs can us atheists and skeptics read before we get bored? Ideology has a voracious appetite so don't expect this book publishing trend to go away anytime soon, but also don't expect another best-seller.
I have been a Christian for 30 years this next June and studying and loving sciences for over 30 years. I have come to the conclusion that mankind is never going to get to the point of proving God's existence by a mathematical equation or out of a test tube.
Yet, I agree with you that the books are going to keep coming. It seems inherent in man that when you have what you consider a good thing, you want to share it! I see that from both the God and science camp.
Really, in a way that seems what this blog is all about. The science part is great, and when we wander off into the God part sometimes, you all are tolerant enough to listen to a God attitude.
Such a good job is done by everyone here that I believe you could ask an anti science person to visit the blog and they would be able to feel the sincerity, and thereby be willing to calmly listen. The first step in persuasion: You have to have someone who is willing to listen to you.
Dave Briggs :~)
Who we are? Why are we in this world? Where are we going?
Have you ever asked yourself why this questions and what the meaning of the human life is? No matter what type of person you are or what your profession is, there are a few things which you, like most people, would agree with, that is:
Money cannot satisfy man; neither can education satisfies man, nor can
Pleasure do not satisfy man, Nor can success satisfy man.
Because you have not yet realized:
God has a plan. Which is to deposit his life into man his plan has everything to do with man? In the bible there are tree different words in Greek to designated the word life
1. Bios referring to the biological life our body
2. Psycho referring to the soul logical means study. The word Psychology means the study of the soul, emotions, mind and will.
3. There is another word for life that is Zoe the highest life. Whenever the bible speaks of eternal life speak of Zoe. In a Greek dictionary you will find the distinction.
This is the reason why, Gods plan with the man he created, in first place is not to bring him to heaven, neither to save Him from hell. But to receive the life that was not created. Gods life.
His plan with man is complete, from creation, while living in earth, and the future.
This is the reason why God created man different than the rest of his creation
Please read the following verse:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness....Genesis 1:26a
Gods creation of man is different from His creation of all other things. He created man in His own image. A glove is created according to the likeness of a hand with the purpose of containing the hand.Likewise, man was created in the image of God with the purpose of containing God.
Now read the next verse:
God should make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy...even us.Romans 9:23-24
We are vessels of God. God wants to be our content. As bottles are made to contain water, we are made to contain God.
It is no wonder that knowledge, wealth, pleasure, and accomplishment can never satisfy you, for you were created to contain God!
Please continue by reading the next verse:
May your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete?1 Thessalonians 5:23
Man is Gods vessel. The Bible divides this vessel into three partsthe spirit, the soul, and the body. See diagram below:
The BODY is simply the physical body, belonging to the physiological level, contacting the things of the material realm, and is the most superficial part.
The SOUL is the mental faculty, belonging to the psychological level, contacting the things of the mental realm, and is a deeper part.
The SPIRIT is the deepest part of man, belonging to the spiritual level, and contacts the things of God.
For problems of the body one may see a doctor. For problems of the mind one may visit a psychiatrist. Yet only God can solve the problems of the spirit.
God wants to enter into mans spirit, to become his content and his satisfaction.
This is the purpose of human existence! You are not merely created to contain food in your stomach, or to contain knowledge in your mind, but you are created to contain God in your spirit.
Since man was made in the image of God, he possesses a good nature that matches Gods nature, with virtues such as truthfulness, goodness, loveliness, wisdom, kindness, and valor.
However, there is also an evil nature in man which wars against his good nature. The Chinese met physicists refer to this war as a battle between reason and lust. Throughout history, both in the East and West, those who understand human nature acknowledge the existence of this evil nature which the Bible calls:
2. SIN
Because sin is in man, he is unable to carry out his good intentions.No one likes to be greedy, jealous, or murderous. No one likes to be boastful, arrogant, or deceitful. No one likes to be irritable, licentious, or lustful. No one likes to murmur, complain, or curse.
Nevertheless, man cannot escape his evil nature. Please read the following verses:
For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but to do the good is not.Romans 7:18
But if what I do not will, this I do, it is no longer I that do it but sin that dwells in me.Romans 7:20
This is a portrait of man.
Sin entered into man and caused him to fall. See diagram below:
(1) Sin caused mans spirit to be deadened:
And you, being dead in your offenses and sins.Ephesians 2:1
(2) Sin caused mans mind to rebel:
And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by evil works.Colossians 1:21
(3) Sin caused mans body to sin:
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body to obey its lusts.Romans 6:12
The fallen man is like: A damaged and untunable radio which cannot receive and play music, but rather meaningless noise. He is also like:A cup that has fallen into the gutter still having its original fine form but now covered with mud.
Throughout history, man has tried every possible way to escape sin, but he has found that:
Good works cannot save him from sin. Education cannot save him from sin. Ethics cannot save him from sin. Chanting cannot save him from sin.Religion cannot save him from sin.
This picture of man simply depicts the battle between his good nature and his evil nature.
Christ is the Savior sent from God to the world to solve the problems of human life.
He is the embodiment of the Triune God.
For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.Colossians 2:9
He is also God incarnated:
The Word was God...the Word became flesh and tabernacle among us...full of grace and reality.John 1:1, 14
Therefore, He is both the complete God and the perfect man. See the following diagram:
He is more than a good man! He is more than a great man! He is more than moral man! He is more than a holy man! He is the God-man!
This God-man was nailed to the cross to accomplish the work of redemption. He died with three statuses:
(1) As the Lamb of God, He died to take away mans sin.
...the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.John 1:29
(2) As the brass serpent that had been lifted up, He died to crush the old serpent, Satan, and to deal with the serpents poison within manhis sinful nature.
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.John 3:14
(3) As a grain of wheat, He died to release the divine life.
...a grain of wheat...dies, it bears much fruit.John 12:24
His death has taken away the sin which man has but should not have!His death imparts into man the life which he needs but does not have!
God became flesh, born as a man called Jesus. Please read the following verse:
The Word became flesh and tabernacle among us.John 1:14
The Lord became the Spirit called the life-giving Spirit by His resurrection from the dead. Read the following verse:
The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit.1 Corinthians 15:45
Since this Spirit is the life-giving Spirit, He dispenses God with His life into His believers.
Hence, the Bible says:
He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.1 John 5:12
In his first birth, man obtains a physical life.
When man receives Gods life through Christ, he experiences a second birth, which the Bible calls regeneration.
God...has regenerated us...through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from among the dead.1 Peter 1:3
Jesus said, Unless a man is born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God.John 3:3
A pig cannot participate in the sheeps kingdom and live a sheeps life by education, improvement, or regulation; it must possess the life of a sheep.
Similarly, man cannot participate in Gods kingdom and live a divine life by education, improvement, or regulation; he must receive the life of God!
A Christian is one who receives Gods dispensing. God first dispenses Himself into our spirit and then spreads from our spirit into our soul. Finally, He fills and saturates our spirit, soul, and body with Himself. The Bible calls this final stage glorification.
And whom He predestinated, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.Romans 8:30
Through this, we can be transformed and conformed to the image of Christ.
Because whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son.Romans 8:29
This is the purpose of human life! This is the meaning of being a Christian!This is what God has planned for you!
Now that you have realized Gods plan, you should do four things:
Repentance is not to be remorseful. Repentance is neither to turn over anew leaf. Repentance is to have a change in mind.
Previously you had your back towards God. Whether you were doing good or evil, you were turned away from God. Your mind was turned away from God. Now listen to what the Lord Jesus said:
Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.Matt. 4:17
To believe is not to nod your head, nor to agree, nor merely to be appreciative.
If someone gives you a watch, it is not enough for you just to nod your head in agreement and admire the watch. You need to receive it. Believing is just receiving. Read the following verse:
But as many as received Him, to them He gave authority to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.John 1:12
Being a Christian is an open matter. God requires that your heart believe and that your mouth confess.
If your heart does not believe, you cannot be saved.
If your mouth does not confess, neither can you be saved. But:
...if you confess with your mouth, Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from among the dead, you shall be saved.Romans 10:9
Baptism is a testimony before men. All believers should be baptized in order to be saved not only before God, but also before men.
The Lord Jesus said:
He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he who does not believe shall be condemned.Mark 16:16
Through baptism, God transfers us from the kingdom of Satan into the kingdom of God. For this reason, the Lord Jesus said:
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.John 3:5
"Lord Jesus! I am a sinner. I need You. Come into my spirit. Take away my sin. Fill me that I may have the life of God. I receive You right now as my Savior and life. I give myself to You. I ask this in Your name, Amen!"
Now you are clear about the meaning of human life! May the Lord bless you and cause you to continue living in Gods plan!
Now, pray often, read the bible, you are the church, the church is not a physical building, neither an organization is the body of Christ Ephesians 1:22, we are the house of God Hebrews 3;6 we are Gods temple I Corinthians 6:19 and in eternity we will be the bride of Christ Revelations 21:2 . But after Eternity we will return to the source and origin of all things God the Father, Colossians 3: a renewal in which is not distinction between Greek and Jews, circumcise or uncircumcised, barbarian or Scythian, slaves or free man but Christ Galatians 3:25 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave or free man, neither male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus This Christ Jesus is the new man Ephesians: 2:15 By abolishing in his flesh the enmity, which is the law of commandments contain in ordinances , the in Himself He might make of the two one new man This new man said in John 20:17 I ascend to my Father and your Father By him we became the many brothers of Christ and He is not ashamed to call us his brothers Hebrews: for this reason He is not ashamed to call us brothers He is our older brother Romans 8: That He might be the first born among many brothers Our older bother Christ is our Wisdom, He is Our Physician , our Light, and the one whom together with us his young brothers He will give all the infinite universe even us to the Father so that God the Father ICo 15:29 God maybe all and in all this means the in the infinite universe that we finite man will never reach, God the Father will be all everywhere and He will be in us therefore we will be with our Father everywhere we never get bored, we will never get tired in a universe that has not end, furthermore we will enjoy His love forever. This is the meaning of life. God the Father since has place in us the desire of have Him. Regardless you are a believer or unbeliever, moral or immoral, wise or fool, with Him or against Him. He is waiting for you and He will run to you as soon you come for Him.