Wikio Releases Latest Science Blog Rankings

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New rankings of Wikio Top Blogs for Science are up.... 1 Wired Science - Wired Blog 11 Next Generation Science 2 Watts Up With That? 12 RealClimate 3 Climate Progress 13 FuturePundit 4 Environmental Capital 14 A Blog Around The Clock 5 Dispatches from the Culture Wars 15 Greg Laden's Blog 6…
This Month's Wikio Rankings of Top Science Blogs is as follows: 1 Wired Science - Wired Blog 2 Watts Up With That? 3 Climate Progress 4 RealClimate 5 Bad Astronomy 6 Climate Audit 7 Next Generation Science 8 Respectful Insolence 9 Dispatches from the Culture Wars 10 The Frontal Cortex 11 Deltoid 12…
... are out. And here they are: 1 Wired Science - Wired Blog 2 Watts Up With That? 3 Climate Progress 4 RealClimate 5 Bad Astronomy 6 Climate Audit 7 Next Generation Science 8 Respectful Insolence 9 Deltoid 10 Dispatches from the Culture Wars 11 The Frontal Cortex 12 FuturePundit 13…
It's not easy keeping track of all the ScienceBlogs. Take four dozen witty and prolific science writers, some of whom post more than once a day, spread them out across a wide range of disciplines and sub-specialties, and what you'll have yourself is a big, tangly embarrassment of riches. What's a…

âShow us the evidence our anti-religion rants turn people offâ, say the Pharyngula fans. Well boys, what if this is the evidence youâve been asking for? Ah ha ha ha!!

Funny, shows a similar but not identical ranking: f'rinstance, # 2 is Bad Astronomy, & Dispatches from the Culture Wars comes in at # 8. Framing Science is # 32, and Living the Scientific Life is # 21.

Pharyngula doesn't show up anywhere on the list of 105 - is Myers really below GOP for Liberty! (for crysake) on the science blogs totem pole?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 04 Aug 2009 #permalink

The widget I posted are for August rankings. Wikio, I believe, still has their July rankings up on their page.

Also, Pharyngula along with several other prominent science blogs such as Dot Earth are apparently not tracked.

Wikio, I believe, still has their July rankings up on their page.

And still do (and still undated).

Wotta buncha slackers!

Pharyngula along with several other prominent science blogs such as Dot Earth are apparently not tracked.

Any idea what criteria Wikio uses for their exclusion filter?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 05 Aug 2009 #permalink


Yeah, I'm certain Pharyngula gets more hits than EvolutionBlog (although I really like EvolutionBlog)

By Confused Phary… (not verified) on 12 Aug 2009 #permalink