Meeting a Canadian

In a line.

Guy in front of me: Line's long, hey?

Me: You Canadian?

Guy in front of me: [surprised look] What! How'd you know? How could you tell.

Me: Well, you said "hey" in your first three words. I thought you were either joking and pretending to be Canadian for laughs, or actually Canadian.

Guy in front of me: I didn't even know I said "hey."

Me: Canadians are funny. Canada is funny.

Guy in front of me: We're a much bigger country than you.

Me: But you have a smaller population than California. And you're always frozen.

Guy in front me: [nervous laugh] Well, that's pretty much right, hey? [shrug]


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Joke's on you - it's "eh" not "hey".

And we are damn funny, that's why there are so many Canadian comics in America, because you ain't. Where is your Russell Peters?

But yeah, judging by the convo, you met the most unfunny Canadian there is.

But don't be generalizing about Canadians! The average Canuck has one breast and one ball.

Did you get invited back for a brewski at his igloo..... "eh"?

B.C. Canada

By Gene Goldring (not verified) on 14 Aug 2007 #permalink

I thought Americans were the ones that said "hey". Go figure eh.

I always thought Americans said "huh".
We Canadians definitely say "eh".

We also spell lots of things differently and eat with our forks in our left hand.

I'm moving to the US in 2 weeks and its fun to try and get a handle on differences. Anyway, there's too many little things to list.

I dunno, I think eh has somewhat morphed into heh, and the two get roughly equal usage.

I don't know very many Canadians who eat with their fork in their left. I tried to learn when I was living in Europe. What city are you from?

[From Europe] [confused] if the American fork is in the right hand, then where's the knife?

Well, I'm Canadian, and I never say "eh." I do say "hey" at the end of sentences, though.

@From Europe: In the left hand, of course. And we cut off a bite, put down the knife, switch the fork, take the bite, switch the fork, pick up the knife, and repeat... Yeah. I know. I don't know why but somebody probably thought it was cool.

(American expat, living in Europe for 5 yrs) IF a knife is used at all, that is.

Then there is the cut-all-your-food-into-bite-sized-pieces-before-eating-any technique. Suitable for children, the elderly, and just about anyone else.

Nothin' wrong with makin' fun of Canadians, eh. Gotta love 'em.

Typical american.

By the_alpha_male (not verified) on 15 Aug 2007 #permalink


We Europeans Do NOT switch the fork to the right hand - where are your manners? ;)

Canada gave us Trailerpark Boys, the funniest show ever, ergo Canadians are funny. Bubbles, what a character, only in Canada!

By cuchulkhan (not verified) on 15 Aug 2007 #permalink

if the American fork is in the right hand, then where's the knife?

From watching Fox News (now available in Canada, and it's almost half as popular as Al-Jazeera!), I've learned that Americans don't use knives - only guns. They must cut their food with bullets.

Can't remember which comedian said it, but:
"When you enter into Canada from the States, you get handed a hockey stick and a sixpack of beer. When you go the opposite direction, you're given a handgun and a bag of crack."

we rule, u suck!

That's funny because a homeless crack whore yelled the same thing at me in NYC last year.

Hey, come on now, Razib, Canadians don't suck. They gave us Terrance and Philip after all, right? Besides (pace South Park) "they're (sic) not even a real country anyway."

What I really want to know from our Canadian neighbors is - what ever happened to the term "hosers" and how come you don't use it anymore?

Yeah, I immediately thought of South Park, too. As in:

Guy in front of me: [surprised look] What! How'd you know? How could you tell.

Me: The beady eyes and flappy mouth.

What I really want to know from our Canadian neighbors is - what ever happened to the term "hosers" and how come you don't use it anymore?

Alas, it is falling more and more into disuse. SCTV is old school after all and I bet even fewer Canadians know the etymology of the word, which, if you know Canada well enough can even be guessed at. After a friendly game of ice hockey, the losing side would have to flood the ice.

so what are the jokes about quebecois :) ?

"i Ham very Ungry and i want to Heat somefing"

By ogunsiron (not verified) on 18 Aug 2007 #permalink

Ah, Canada. You guys need another Quebec separation vote. I was so disappointed by the last one. Alberta and BC have states #51 and #52 written all over them. :-)