Glimpse of the future?

My Genome, Myself: Seeking Clues in DNA:

For as little as $1,000 and a saliva sample, customers will be able to learn what is known so far about how the billions of bits in their biological code shape who they are. Three companies have already announced plans to market such services, one yesterday.

Offered the chance to be among the early testers, I agreed, but not without reservations. What if I learned I was likely to die young? Or that I might have passed on a rogue gene to my daughter? And more pragmatically, what if an insurance company or an employer used such information against me in the future?

But three weeks later, I was already somewhat addicted to the daily communion with my genes. (Recurring note to self: was this addiction genetic?)

Update: Hsien-Hsien Lei has much more.


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I saw the interview with the founders of this company on Wired Science TV. And it was pretty amazing! It came on the heals of my putting a post on my blog, about how they are predicting that within 5 years you will be able to go to the doctor and shortly thereafter have them hand you a digital storage device with your complete personal genetic code on it!
I touched on what you alluded to about the insurance company, employers etc. and went farther to state maybe we better start warming up our minds for the day when you can custom order a baby with a certified warranty!
Oh boy! Ain't the 21st century Grand! LOL!
Dave Briggs :~)