Delicious Internet Noms

I've decided to buy the stratigraphy t-shirt after all. This will actually be the first piece of previously-unworn non-sock/bra/underwear clothing that I've purchased for myself since... uh... I can't remember. Probably sometime in 2004. I'm not what you'd call a fashionista, but I am occasionally a sucker for geekwear.

Wait! No! I bought some tank tops last summer. Anyway, Threadless offers store credit to people who successfully spam their friends. So if you are a Threadless regular, please spam me with an invitation to buy that t-shirt.


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What's wrong with the T-shirt isn't so much the clastic dikes but the angular unconformity underneath the limestone. Sorry, that can't happen in the non-creationist universe!

You're right, of course, but I'm fixated on hydrofracturing right now for other reasons, so that's where my attention went and got stuck.