- REMINDER: Accretionary Wedge posts due this Friday -- The theme is unhinged speculation about the future Earth.
- Calculus: The Musical! -- The concept may or may not be more charming than the execution.
- Sand Won't Save You This Time -- Mmm, ClF3.
- Plausibly Impossible: Hirotoshi Itoh's Grinning Stones -- Rocks with zippers!
- Planet Harddrive -- Cool, but implausible, geological sci-fi idea. Who *doesn't* need a giant information storage medium in which the long-term conservation problems are worse than those of a cheap-o CD-RW?
- Carnival of Space #87 -- Spaaaace!
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photo from TruShu's stream
Hirotoshi Itoh
Keiko Gallery
The author and title have long slipped my mind, but I once saw a poem lamenting how arbitrary we can be in calling certain things alive, and others not. Though many of them contain remnants of life, biologically speaking, stones are not alive…
Greetings, and welcome to this week's Carnival of Space! Before getting to the astro-goodness, Will has a question: How many of you get your astronomy news directly from the press release?
Planets and Plutoids
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Jim Lehane's comment on my last post just reminded me that it's Accretionary Wedge time again. Jim's hosting the geology carnival, and he's got a back-to-school theme:
So your mission is this: "What out of the box ideas do you use to teach people about geology or geological concepts?" No need to…
yup, I'm doing a lot of these,
moon, high school, hard sci-fi and california among others
some randomly interesting stuff out there,
some of which I mean to blog about meself,
but real life interceded
click to embiggen
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Photographs Apollo landing sites - this is all…
love the zircon photo!
(re: Calculus: The Musical!) ...and here I thought I wuz overreaching with my never-started opera based on the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson...
Hirotoshi Itoh's work - definitely delicious! I especially like the one with coffee beans inside - you know they must be fresth. :D
The musical is odd, but I saw a pretty good 2-person rendition last year. Perfect geek date :-).