An Interesting Day in History

According to my Linux Calendar, this is the anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to move to the back of the bus AND of Martin Luther King's boycott two years later, AND the independence of both Portugal and the Central African Republic And it is even Anniversary Day in Chatham Islands (when everyone celebrates their anniversary, I suppose).

Here is the full output from my Linux Calendar:

DEC 01
Woody Allen (Allen Stuart Konigsberg) born in Brooklyn, NY, 1935
DEC 01
First national corn-husking championship, Alleman IA, 1924
DEC 01
Martin Luther King Jr., leads black boycott of Montgomery buses, 1955
DEC 01
Rosa Parks refuses to move to back of the bus (Montgomery, AL), 1953
DEC 01
Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence in Portugal
DEC 01
Independence Day in Central African Republic
DEC 01
World AIDS Day
DEC 01
Ian Jackson became Debian Project Leader, 1997
DEC 01
Aujourd'hui, c'est la St(e) Florence.
DEC 01
N'oubliez pas les Ãloi !
DEC 01
Bonne fête aux Airy !
DEC 01
DEC 01
First Sunday of Advent (4th Sunday before Christmas)
DEC 01
National Holiday in United Arab Emirates
DEC 01
Aujourd'hui, c'est la St(e) Viviane.
DEC 01
Washingtoner Abkommen über Bi-Zone, 1946
DEC 01
1. oder 2. Advent
DEC 01
Anniversary Day (Chatham Islands)

If you have Linux, you can open a terminal window and type in "Calendar" and this will let you see YOUR Linux calendar. Or, you can type in "cal" and see something entirely different...


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And who would have known were it not for my Linux Calendar.... Dec 10 Emily Dickenson born, 1830 Dec 10 Metric system established in France, 1799 Dec 10 Nobel Peace Prize awarded each year Dec 10 Foundation of Worker's Party in Angola Dec 10 Human Rights Day Dec 10 Thai Constitution Day…
Dec 12 E.G. Robinson born, 1893 Dec 12 First wireless message sent across Atlantic by Marconi, 1901 Dec 12 Independence Day in Kenya Dec 12 Debian GNU/Linux 1.2 alias ``rex'' released, 1996 Dec 12 N'oubliez pas les Chantal ! Dec 12 Nachrüstungsbeschluà des NATO-Ministerates, 1979 Dec…
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DEC 01 First Sunday of Advent (4th Sunday before Christmas)

Silly me, I'd figured that the first Sunday in Advent would fall on ... don't get ahead of me here ... a Sunday.

I always wondered about Linux. :-)

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 01 Dec 2007 #permalink

Linus Torvalds isn't famous for being religious...

BTW Greg, there's something wrong in the character encodings of the page. Your text is in UTF-8, but Firefox treats it as ISO-8859-1, because a meta tag in the page template says so. And the -1 version should be replaced with -15 that includes the euro sign.

The encodings have bugged me some time, because they bork the sexy umlaut in my name. The only way to get it correctly is to post directly, not via the preview window.

By Lassi Hippeläinen (not verified) on 01 Dec 2007 #permalink


That's helpful. The transformation from a calendar file to a post is something I hope to have totally automated one day, as a proof of concept. Character encoding is obviously a problem, but an interesting challenge (many of the calendar files are written in, well, languages.) Note also that these are

formatted lines (I won't say what "DL" stands for) and you can't tell this, but the formatting is not correct there either.

Someday I hope to be able to type:

calendar -option | formatter |

or better yet, have cron do that every two days forever.