Mapping the News

Have you seen the Marumushi news map?

Here is an example of the output for the category Health, showing the relative "presence" of different categories of news on Health in the US:


Here is the same topic for Canada:


And here is the national news map. For Britain:


Go here to make your own news maps!

More like this

Another fun news mapping site is Buzztracker, which attempts to geolocate news stories, with the apparent importance (by number of stories, I assume) by the size of the marker, plus lines to indicate apparent connections between sites in news stories (e.g. a line between "Washington [D.C.]" and "Baghdad" associated with reports of the Iraq situation...)

That is a very cool site. I've been using it as my homepage for years. Good way to keep track of the larger headlines.

By joltvolta (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink