Evolution, Cuisine and Romance

The Bell Museum, in Minneapolis, will sponsor a Valentine's Day Cafe Scientifique that will be especially close to my heart ...

... mainly because it is me doing it.

Evolution, Cuisine and Romance
Tuesday, February 19, 7 p.m.
Bryant-Lake Bowl, Uptown

Were the opposable thumb, an upright stance and a large brain the most important evolutionary events in human history? According to Anthropologist Greg Laden, these and other traits are only the byproducts of the truly important evolutionary transitions for our species: the rise of romance and the evolution of cuisine. Join Laden for a discussion about the co-evolution of diet, sexual strategies, and society during the last five million years.

Mark your calendars! But don't worry, I'll announce it again.


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Here's a cooking tip for you: in any recipe involving chocolate, you can safely double the amount of chocolate and no one will complain.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 20 Jan 2008 #permalink

Ironically, my wife, who'd birthday happens to be on Valentine's Day, can't make it. She has some sort of teacher's thing she has to do. So we'll be stag.

I think my wife married me because I can cook, before I was married I had my best success with women I cooked for, and recently a single guy asked me for cooking tips and a simple but impressive recipe he could make for his new GF. I'm not at all surprised that cuisine is involved in human mating strategies.