This is what happens if you get pulled over for DWI in Minnesota

Don' t drive drunk. Don't let this happen to you!

Hat tip: This guy.

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Reno 911?

I'm impressed. Even I could tell that he was drunk as a skunk and probably high to boot.

Reno 911?

No, it's "I found it on youTube, I dunno where it's from"

If it is from cable, I wouldn't know. I had cable in 1977-1978 and again in 1996. Otherwise, it's only what I see in cheap motel rooms.

Reno 911 is just the show for cheap motel rooms! The whole show is like that clip, a parody of "Cops", another show likely only to be seen (by me) in odd locales. Anyhow, I can't really say for sure that it is indeed Reno 911. The people are too blurry but the cop looks/sounds like one of the regulars.

Definitely Reno 911 , the best show on since Dave Chapell left.