Linnaeus' Legacy #4: Darwin Month Extravaganza!

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I've mentioned many times on here reservations I have over the current avian flu numbers--how many subclinical or mild infections are being missed? Are they indeed offset by the number of serious disease cases we're also missing? There's a reason for these questions, and it's now out in electronic…
This is an odd one.  A study of 5191 adults showed an association between air pollution and attacks of acute appendicitis. href="">Effect of ambient air pollution on the incidence of appendicitis CMAJ 10.1503/cmaj.082068 Published online…
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Thanks greg, I noticed the ant room copied the post. I don't think it was malicious as I had a look around the site and she is a grad student who blogs about her research. Probably just doesn't know its better to leave a link. newbys lol

Kevin: Yes, I think that is exactly right.

The point of doing all the work on making a carnival is, of course, selfless service to the community of bloggers and readers. But it is also nice to get the links back to one's site. So, while Ant Room is really just more link love, and that is good, it is preferable to link directly, and exclusively, to the Carnival's original author.