Happy Birthday Brian Switek!

Go over to Laelaps and wish Brian a Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday! Is it PZ Myers or Captain Barbosa in disguise?

You are probably right. I don't know what day it is.

I sent him a kitten encased in a bottle of water. I hope it gets there on time for him to open it!

Damn! What are the odds? Maybe Dembski can use his Nixplanatary Filter to calculate them. I sent him a creationist in a bottle of water! I hope it doesn't get there in time for Brian to open it!

And just in case their is some fuck-wit creo reading this, and they don't have a sense of humor, No. I am NOT kidding.

HTH :)

oh yeah. Happy Birfday

Yea, but did he GET the creationist in a bottle? I don't think he got the kitten.

Thanks, Greg! Yup, it's the 26th, but I appreciate this all the same. The Bonsai cat in a bottle has not yet arrived, but I'll keep an eye out for the delivery man (although getting the cat out of the bottle is going to be tricky....)