Happy LOLBirfday To Meeeeee

Well tomorrow (edit: TODAY!) is my birthday! 28 years ago, tomorrow, I was born in Euliss TX. Man, I'm getting old! Well happy birfhday to me. If you have a favorite birthday LOLcat please leave it in the comments. :D


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28 years ago, tomorrow, I was born in Euliss TX.

Happy birthday!

Man, I'm getting old!

My heart just bleeds for you.

By Charlie (Colorado) (not verified) on 20 Dec 2007 #permalink

Oh man, you got ripped off! How many years did you have cheapskates hand you one gift and say, "This is your birthday and Christmas present!" as though they were doing you a massive wonderful favor?

Anyway, happy birthday!

My brother has his birthday on the 28th. He spent his youth having everyone combining his birthday and Christmas presents. I hope your family doesn't do this. All the best, youngster!

Happy Birthday, Solstice Child!

What child is this who brings such light
that all who see Her grow hopefull?
The Solstice candles, this darkest night,
rekindle a flame in our soul.

This, this is the Solstice child,
the Maiden brilliant, the Maiden wild.
Come, sisters, to hold Her near,
the hope and the light of the New Year.

As a Solstice Child, you are brilliant, love birds and have a great sense of humor. Your birthday is slightly ahead of solstice, which means you will complete your thesis just before deadline and will successfully defend it. You are skeptical of any claims that your birthdate has anything to do with your personal characteristics or destiny.

You're not supposed to say the age - but since you're under 30 you can get away with it. Many happy returns!

Are you and Sheril Kirshenbaum having a photo contest? Or is Sheril just...parroting you?! I notice you both changed your pics at about the same time and in each case the new pic outshines the old one immensely.

It'll be interesting to see where that goes...!

[delurk] Happy Birthday Shelly! Hope you get to eat lots of tasty stuff! [/delurk]

This comment is to wish you BOTH a Merry Christmas and a Happy Birthday.

Mine's on the 23rd. When I was a kid, my sister two cards bearing $20 bills from Grandma; one on Christmas and one on her birthday. I received one card to "combine" the two events on one $20 bill.

How convenient.

Note also, two of my daughters have their birthdays between Dec 26 and Dec 31, so they will know the aggravation of their birthdays being an afterthought amongst their friends.

no lolcat links or witty comment from me....Just a belated wish for a happy birthday and much success and happiness in the coming year.

My Birthday was the 13th, my sister's is the 23rd, her son's is the 25th, my brother's is the 30th. December is a busy month. When we wanted something big it was joint birthday and christmad present for me AND my brother.

Also, Happy Birthday

U can has berfday cake now.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday? You young people. I only celebrate decades now. I do think however, that if I have to celebrate a birthday this time of year, it might as well be a real one. And it might as well be yours. Happy Birthday Shelley!

By Carl Buell (not verified) on 21 Dec 2007 #permalink

Happy Birthday Shelly!

My apologies for this article which actually is in ScienceNOW Daily News 21 December 2007 as #5 of '10 A Few of Our Favorite Things' as an evolutionary psychological study from University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

I'm wise to your tricks, Miss Batts. I know you're only 21, and that you lied about being 28 because you want to rent a car.

I expected something sneakier from a PhD candidate.

Now, enjoy the cake. But, if there are more than twenty-one candles on it, I'm calling shenanigans.

What are you reading this for? Go have some more cake.

Oh, and Happy belated Birfday!!

By John P. Baumlin (not verified) on 22 Dec 2007 #permalink

Happy birthday, mon sherie...On Jupiter you're only 2 and a half - Jupiter's 'year' is 12 and a bit years...

Happy birthday yesterday (or today, as the case may be). Consider it plus or minus epsilon. And yes the picture is nice. kthxbai

Happy Birthday! Been to Euliss many times (I'm from Garland).

Pretty Kitty! Happy Birthday. 28 may seem old but I am 55 soon and I can tell you that the old cliche about being as young as you feel can make a big difference. I have a number of friends in their 70s who are still kids at heart. Think young, be young!
Dave Briggs :~)