The Boomerang Experiment Worked

... and, gave positive results. I know you have been waiting in anticipation for the results of an experiment in which an astronaut was going to toss a boomerang in space to see if it came back.

Well, it worked:

Boomerang works in space: Japanese astronaut from

In an unprecedented experiment, a Japanese astronaut has thrown a boomerang in space and confirmed it flies back much like on Earth.


Whew, this one had me really worried...


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Well sure, inside the space station, in an environment with air. Yawn. But what about outside the space station in the near vacuum of space? That's what I thought you were saying when I saw the teaser for this story. Now that would have been a real surprising result.

Well at least they're doing valuable research. In other news, I saw in Bob Park's newsletter that it costs as much to send an astronaut to the ISS to throw a boomerang as it does to send a probe to Mars.

"But what about outside the space station in the near vacuum of space?"

And what cool spacey whooshing Star Wars/ Star Trekish NOISE does the boomerang make?

And what cool spacey whooshing Star Wars/ Star Trekish NOISE does the boomerang make?

LOL. I imagine it would sound exactly not like this.