Hedgehog as a weapon

Police said William Singalargh, 27, had hurled the hedgehog about 5m (16ft) at a 15-year-old boy.

"It hit the victim in the leg, causing a large, red welt and several puncture marks," said Senior Sgt Bruce Jenkins, in the North Island town of Whakatane.

It was unclear whether the hedgehog was still alive when it was thrown, though it was dead when collected as evidence.

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I refuse to laugh about this.

Hedgehogs are very nice chaps, I once spent several hours watching one run around a garden in the middle of the night, and sung the a-team theme tune for a large portion of it- terribly exciting stuff.

In another fantastic tale regarding the hedgehog, a friend once gave one found in his garden a saucer of milk (big no no, could have killed him) but thankfully the hedgehog decided to walk in the milk and wash its feet.

I hope that hooligan is put in prison for crimes against the hedgehog genus.

I am tempted, oh so tempted, to make a joke about video game violence. I'm with MonkeyMan, however: that guy's an ass and deserves a good long stay in the joint.

Is it just me or does this sound like a very strange word problem in junior high math class?

Come to think of it, I would have enjoyed math class a lot more had there been more references to hurled hedgehogs.

Extra credit: How long is William's jail term?