Have you driven a Ford lately?

Well, I hope it was to church, because Ford is the new Motor Car of the Religious Right.

Pharynugla covers this latest example of a right wing yahoo retailer pandering to his god fearing bible humping audience by denigrating atheists. See also this piece at the Underground Believer.

Oh, by the way, do you know what "Ford" stands for?

Found on road, dead.

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My wife finally traded in her Saturn for a 4 cylinder Ford Escape. She asked if they could get the dinosaur eating a Jesus fish off the Saturn so she could put it on the Escape. They broke it in the process. Probably would've broke anyway, but I can't imagine they were being overly careful :)

Aldous Huxley, in 'Brave New World', introduced a new dating system - eg, 1932AF was 1932 years after Ford.

Which makes me wonder who politicised BC/AD. BCE - Before Christian Era sounds to me a little too triumphalist; eras apply to dominant paradigms. Yet it's politically correct, and apparently approved by non-Christians.

Fraternal Order of Revelationist Dupes

666 (Devil's Number) in certain pagan languages:
F - fᡪ (Niger-Congo - Ganja - seriously!)
O - onom (North East Borneo - Selungai Murut)
R - roku (Sino-Japanese)
+ D - again - dupes

Effing Off Ridiculous Discussions

Ford Only Runs Downhill....... One of my brothers and his car-crazy friends used to call them "sleds."

The most common use of BCE is "Before the Common Era," although it also represents "Before the Current Era" or "Before the Christian Era." The term "Common Era" has been around for centuries in scholarly and some religious circles, but it's only become common usage (no pun intended) in recent decades.

The one I can't quite get my head around is the paleontological/geological "BP" - "Before the Present." I have to keep reminding myself that on those time scales, 2000 years don't mean bupkes. :-)

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 26 May 2008 #permalink

I am a bit surprised you don't seem to have heard about this video/song "WWJD". "Ford is what Jesus would drive."


It also tells what likker Jesus drinks and what gun he shoots.

Seems like only a couple of years ago the Christian Right was telling followers NOT to buy Fords because the company advertised in gay/lesbian magazines. I guess the threatened boycott worked since now Ford seems to be the favored car of the far right.

I'm pretty sure that Ford is still being boycotted by the American Family Association for the company's financial support of pro-homosexual organizations. I'm on the AFA e-mail list and seems to me that they're always sending out messages about the Ford boycott.