Hysterical Women and South LA Looters

Or should I say "Hysterical Woman OR South LA Looters"

I spotted a video on Ed Brayton's site (Hillary Supporter Comes Unhinged showing a woman at the recent Rules Committee meeting being very hysterical about the outcome of that meeting. The money quote from her tirade is

.throwing the election away...for what -- an inadequate black male who would not have been running had it not been a white woman that was running for president.

(Video is below)

Now, does anyone want to tell me what is wrong in this picture?

No? OK, then, let me start.

An hysterical woman is a woman who's ovaries have exploded and caused her to go nuts. Doctors discovered some time ago that this could be fixed by removing the offending ovaries, and thus, the "hysterectomy" was invented.

Now, let me explain something to those of you who have never left the cave (which I suspect is very few). Crazy angry ranting people such as this poor woman can be found everywhere, especially at Democratic Party events, as part of the events, or at Republican Party events, as people the Republicans won't let in but whom the local authorities may tolerate.

And these crazy ranting people come in all forms. They can be black, white, or red, they can be men or women, older or younger, vets, anti-abortion yahoos, RR clinic defenders, professors, students, etc.

What they really are are people who have gone over the edge because they have great passion and have either run into a brick wall or they have had a brick wall dumped on them. Add to this a little imbalance in the medication, a mild neurosis, or a couple of drinks, and you may get even more fireworks, but none of these (very common) factors are necessary. All you need is passion and a couple of bad turns.

But there is another story I could tell you and it would be quite believable. Look at the video (below). It turns out that all across the country, we are finding hysterical women decrying the way in which Hillary Clinton, and together with her all women, are being treated. Our country may be ready for a woman president, but clearly we are not ready for a woman getting this close to being president then loosing. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.

But wait! In a slightly different Universe, I could tell you a slightly different story. Try this on for size:

Imagine that instead of Obama being ahead of Clinton by a couple hundred delegates and a few percent in the popular vote, it was the other way around. Imagine that it was clear about when all but 10 or so primaries were to be completed that numerically, Clinton would very likely be the nominee. Imagine if there were people getting annoyed at Obama bing in the race after he clearly lost. And so on and so forth (you understand, I'm suggesting a reverse of the present situation).

I promise you that if we traveled in the Situational Alternative Situation Machine (SASM) over to that universe, then you would be seeing YouTube videos (over on Brayton's site) about disgruntled black youths acting very edgy, and you'd have threats of looting in South LA (and elsewhere) and blacks who had recently gotten into the politics for the first time saying something very much like the woman in our video said:

"And they think we won't all turn and vote for McCain? Well, I've got news for all of you. McCain will be the next president of the United States."

You see, the media can pick and choose.

I have a lot of respect for Ed Brayton, and I love his blog, but I do think may be posting this video with the quote he gave is actually perpetuating the situation. If you listen to what she says, her remark cited above is not the racist remark it sounds like, at all. She sounds, rather, like a typical big-tent Democrat. Listen to the whole thing and tell me if I'm wrong.

Having said that, I do not like the "I'm voting for McCain" attitude. Lady, I understand your anger and I get what you are saying and I think you are being exploited.

But this remark about McCain? For that you can kiss my ass. With this remark, you show me that you are not a true Democrat.


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I saw this video soon after it was posted, and have had a day to think about it. Does anyone know who she really is? I have a suspicion that she is a Republican troll- a little part of Operation Chaos. She is so off the charts that I have trouble believing she is real.

Any thoughts?

By Green Eagle (not verified) on 01 Jun 2008 #permalink

I'm with you all the way Greg. I think you have been doing a fantastic job lately defusing the situation with the Democrats, and we certainly need more of that. I've been very critical in the past of your coverage of Clinton and the primaries, but your latest streak of posts are precisely what this party needs more of. Balanced, rational, sane, inclusive, thoughtful commentary. And, most of all, less accusations, more understanding, and more constructive talk.

Women are and have been getting the shaft for a long time, as have blacks. Obama could and should do more to address this, and the party overall isn't helping either. And neither is Clinton.

Personally, I don't like Clinton, and I don't think I ever really did. I even seriously looked into McCain as a second choice after Obama became my first choice. That lasted for about the two hours it took me to look into McCain's stance on various issues, his record, and the people he has surrounded himself with. I may not like Clinton, but I think she'd make a fine president, and I'll be happy to vote for her if she were to win the nomination.

I didn't hear her say, "I'm voting for McCain," so why are y'all making assumptions that she's not a true Democrat, a Republican troll, etc.?

Perhaps she is simply predicting disaster for the Democrats if her candidate isn't chosen. And aren't many of the conventional wisdom folks saying that Hillary is more likely to succeed vs. McCain? Maybe she's just one of them ordinary Manhattan Democrats, and not some X-Files Reptilian that y'all seem to want her to be.

By Matt Platte (not verified) on 01 Jun 2008 #permalink

I have come to realize our country is sorely in need of a minority president... a series of them, actually. We have got to get over the idea that a Real American⢠is defined as a white male over the age of 55. It makes me sad to think that it matters more which is first than that some minority take the stage. If we can't get past this we're going to end up with another WMOTAO55, who voted with the previous one 100% of the time last year but still says he's somehow going to change Washington.

Matt: Maybe this assumption is from where she says:

And they think we won't all turn and vote for McCain?

Amen! If Hilary's supporters won't vote for Obama, you know, get behind the DEMOCRATIC nominee, they ain't Democrats. Period.

The point of being a Republican troll is to create as much hostility and anger within the Democrats as possible.

I just don't find it credible that this woman's behavior is motivated by anything rational, and am looking for the most likely explanation, other than that she is really drunk, which is possible. I have seen this sort of behavior from Republicans back to talk shows in the sixties, and I think she fits the mold.

In any event, now that a couple of million people have seen her outburst, I bet she is sort of regretting it.

By Green Eagle (not verified) on 02 Jun 2008 #permalink

Green Eagle, people hate losing. Have you ever heard the things that get said after a bad sports call?

You don't have to be a troll to say things that over the top. You just have to have a lot (too much?) of your own identity tied up in your preferred candidate so that any act "against" them is an attack on you. It's personal.

It's even easier to feel this way in an already adversarial political climate. I'm not blaming Clinton or Obama for fostering that kind of climate, although I do wish they'd both be better at fighting it. I blame the Republicans, or more specifically, the group of reactionaries who decided that the Democratic party needed to be obliterated. When you're a Democrat already fighting for your existence and relevance, it's all too easy to see any contest, even one between allies, as a fight.

So no, I don't see a troll here.