NBC calls Obama Nominee

For the first time in history, a black man is one of the main candidates for election to the office of the President of the United States, having achieved the number of delegates required to be offered the nomination of the Democratic Party. This is based on recent declaration by several super delegates for Obama and the estimated outcome of the South Dakota polls, which closed moments ago.


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The newsicopters have been hoovering around for hours now above my apt. near the Xcel Center here in St. Paul...reminding me that I need to get out of here for a particular week this Fall!

Ana, you can probably rent your apartment to the secret service or something.

I was thinking to the press...someone I wouldn't have to clear my bookshelves for!

Ana, I have friends in Irvine Park. They're spending the week at their cabin and paying for about half a year of its mortgage. Clearing the bookshelves might be worth it.

I'm sitting here thinking: What's this with bookshelves. What could possibly be on the bookshelves...

Then it hit me. Books!

Right, got it.

But wait, this is the Republican convention. They will have private security firms like Blackwater. I'll bet they'll pay a pretty penny.

... still have to clear the bookshelves, though.