Babar the Elephant for President!

Oh. No. Right. Bob Bar. Not Barbar. Whatever.

Did this guy know this was a comedy show before he went on?

[Hat tip: knee-jerk reactionary libertarian homeschooler "Bore me to tears"]


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Not that there's anything wrong with that...

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 06 Jun 2008 #permalink

Sure you do.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 06 Jun 2008 #permalink

I don't have my own blog. I got that one off Ed Brayton's blog, using my time machine. Laden could post it before Brayton, and make it look like Brayton stole the idea from him.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 06 Jun 2008 #permalink