The funniest thing you will see on the internet today ....

... perhaps this week ... is ...


More like this

Busy week here. Teaching starts next week, so this is full of organizational meetings, retreats, syllabus writing, xeroxing, etc. And to top it all, I'm currently laid out with lower back pain. Argh! Blogging will thus be sporadic for a while, and in lieu of anything significant to say ... You…
I have a few non-authoritative comments regarding recent and current medical developments. This concerns the flu (esp. the H1N1 Swine Pandemic Flu), and the two recent changes in screening recommendations, for breast and cervical cancer and related issues. Regarding the flu, we are seeing more…
Technically, Nisbet did not say that. He simply showed a picture of PZ Myers ... a rather funny picture of PZ that is not what I would call a glamor shot ... and made the statement paraphrased as the title of this post in reference to all atheists who have strong views and who are, well, not…
Pursuant to a discussion here regarding the use of the word "evolution" in various scholarly contexts, consider the article in PLoS: Evolution by Any Other Name: Antibiotic Resistance and Avoidance of the E-Word The increase in resistance of human pathogens to antimicrobial agents is one of the…

ROFL =snort= MAO!

A good friend of mine told me a while back that he'd been at Woodstock and loved it. I think I hate him. :-)

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 25 Jun 2008 #permalink