Dont make me angry. You wouldn't like me if I'm angry.

Busy week here. Teaching starts next week, so this is full of organizational meetings, retreats, syllabus writing, xeroxing, etc. And to top it all, I'm currently laid out with lower back pain. Argh!

Blogging will thus be sporadic for a while, and in lieu of anything significant to say ...

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I realized this morning that I had no meetings scheduled for today. HOORAY!!! In addition, my department (recently renamed a School) is all in an uproar because our academic advisory council is arriving tomorrow, and our open house to the university is Friday. So I decided that I could take the…
...but actually somewhere else... So what's going on? The short version is that this is a goodbye post. The long version goes a little like this: 1. For a while now, I've been using twitter, primarily as a place to highlight interesting things. It has more or less replaced my blogging output.…
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No worries, just intelligently design something by reverse engineering some other course you've taught using old lecture notes. That should get you through the first couple of weeks until you need fresh material.

Back pain - Over the counter non steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in prescription dosages.

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 14 Aug 2006 #permalink