Supposed evidence of ghosts

The following video is NOT for the feint of heart. Not. If your hear is feint, go away. Now. I am not kidding. You have been warned.

Obviously, the rocking chair is going to move. But notice that the clothing (at least I think it is clothing, not a person) on the bed to the right is moving a little the whole time. Also, the rocking chair is moving, I think, almost imperceptibly. Is there a string attached to it?

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I didn't look. I've seen this one before. I REFUSE TO LOOK. You can't make me look.

"Feint" is for fencers and Heidelberg duelists.

I think you mean "faint". ;-)

Heh. Good one; my gooseybumps are fading now... ;)

By Matt Hussein Platte (not verified) on 24 Jul 2008 #permalink

Feint or faint, it made my Labrador retriever run from the bedroom to the front door of the house, to investigate and bark.

@James F:

that IS scary!!

p.s. ala South Park: you bastard!


GAH! Oy. Years of credulous terror were just revisited all at once.

I'd like to know why, even when you know perfectly well it's a screamer, you still jump when it screams. Damn things!