No Way, No How, No McCain

With Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama, and a zillion other people looking on, Hillary Clinton made clear her support of Obama, re-articulated key Democratic values (especially focusing on health care, education, human rights, workers rights, and the environment), Eulogized the recently dead, and kicked the ass of John the Joker McCain.


(Note: I do resent and do not support the concept of "god given potential" which was referred to a number of times this evening.)

Clinton explicitly stated support for Obama 11 times, Michelle 2 times, Biden 3 times, and she explicitly kicked McCain in the nuts 7 times, by my count.

She made note of the anniversary of suffrage. Which I notice most of my fellow bloggers have ignored, BTW.

The failure of this convention, if any, is in that McCain (and Bush and Cheney) have not been kicked in the nuts frequently enough or hard enough.

If you hear the dogs, keep going.


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Today was the anniversary of the day women got the vote in the USA.
What I want to know is who are these people who still want to vote McCain? How bad does the economy/ gas prices/ Iraq/ civil rights/ outsourcing of jobs/ fill in the blank have to get?

"God-given potential" doesn't bother me much; it's easy to make "god" in that phrase analogous to some form of "nature" or "natural". The multiple "god bless {blank]"s that seem to crop up at the end of every speaker's speech bugged me a bit more, because that comes off as more overtly religious.

Religion has been sidelined enough in the convention to keep my feathers becoming too ruffled, though, so I suppose if that's as preachy as it gets, I'll consider myself lucky.

If there were a god, we would not have been Bush-wacked the last 8 years, and we would not be looking at Super_POW McCain.


When I hear the phrase "God-given potential" I simply remember a similar phrase in the Declaration of Independance, where it says "Nature's God". Notice, not Christian God, not Jewish God, not Muslim God, not any of the Greek, Roman, Nose, or Egyptian Gods, but Nature's God, Spinoza's God, Einstein's God.

By Blaidd Drwg (not verified) on 27 Aug 2008 #permalink

I sort of doubt that the Repubs will try anything remotely similar at their convention. After all, the recipie for a Nativity scene requires at least 3 wise men and a virgin....don't know where the repubs could find either of those, not to mention a spare angel or two.

By Blaidd Drwg (not verified) on 27 Aug 2008 #permalink

Of course McCain will take this opportunity to talk about the virgin mary appearing to him when he was a pow, telling him he would eventually go free, and become president.

Of course McCain will take this opportunity to talk about the virgin mary appearing to him when he was a pow, telling him he would eventually go free, and become president.

If Hillary's speech was meant to get her most fervent supporters to get behind Obama, weren't they all McCain backers in disguise?