Webster Cook Impeached, Found Guilty

Webster Cook, the Florida student who was physically and politically attacked by forces directly and indirectly allied with the Catholic Church, was impeached and found guilty by the school government of his college. This is according to a source close to Webster, his friend, Benjamin Collard.

For more information on events leading up to this, see this guest blog by Benjamin of August 17th.


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I must say that the standards for impeachment seem quite arbitrary. Setting new standards for corruption and cronyism, shredding the constitution one has sworn to uphold, and prevaricating your nation into an unjust war do not qualify, but cracker theft does.

What exactly was he found guilty of?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 29 Aug 2008 #permalink

Virgil, if I recall correctly, this is him losing his place in student government. So it looks like his political rival, who brought the university disciplinary charges Cook was acquitted of, got what he wanted anyway.

Right. He was aqquitted of charges within the colleg's own kangaroo court, to which any student may, apparently, be dragged for breaking school rules. This is a different procedure having to do with his position in the School Government.

So yes, it would appear in the absence of any other evidence that Cook's rival used thugs linked to the Catholic Church to remove his competitor.

This is almost as bad as what I saw at the State Fair yesterday...

This whole impeachment business seems rather odd.

When I was at university in the UK we had a problem with an elected official in the student union who had voiced support for the aims and methods of the IRA. The only option we had for removing him from office was to call an emergency general meeting of the union, making sure we had enough people in attendance to form a quorum and then pass a vote of no confidence.

The impeachment business sounds like a bunch of self-important people playing lets pretend lawyers.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 29 Aug 2008 #permalink

This is the difference (a difference?) between the US system and the UK system.

Our elected officers and judges are more like royalty ... rotating royalty. In the UK they are more like hired officials with the committee being the parliamentary or electoral body.

Isn't this a state university? How can this be happening?
If we can't bounce out white supremacists at our uni, I just don't understand how eating a cracker can be a problem.


I just don't understand how eating a cracker can be a problem.

No, no, no. The problem was not eating a cracker.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 30 Aug 2008 #permalink