This bozo is going to piss you off (Palin on RWTV)

Sarah Palin comes in at 4 minutes 20 seconds. Turns out she wants all the Polar Bear to die.


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Gov. Palin wants to save our country from the plans of extremist environmentalists who are selectively breeding polar bears (they're EVERYWHERE!) with a preference for the flesh of oil men.

Oh yeah, I'm pissed off all right. If she and McCain (who is comparatively more sane than she is) are elected, the science base of this country will finally have been eliminated and I start applying for British citizenship.

Beck found a stoopid twin!

By Scott little (not verified) on 30 Aug 2008 #permalink

According to wikipedia...The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is a National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Alaska. It consists of 19,049,236 acres (7,708,952 ha) in the Alaska North Slope region.

That's a little more than the 2000 acres Palin claims at about 5:50 in the clip.

Honestly though, the fact that congress is debating saving the environment is rather pointless. If you really have to debate it then it's not really a clear thing maybe? My take is that it's all fine and dandy to make fuel more expensive to Americans if that's what you want, but that just makes it cheaper for the Chinese. That helps the environment somehow?

Lorne, she means the area that would actually be drilled. Also from Wikipedia [obligatory take-Wikipedia-with-grain-of-salt disclaimer]:

"Supporters of drilling point out that though ANWR is over 19,000,000 acres (77,000 km2), only 1,500,000 acres (6,100 km2), or 8% of the total, would be available for exploration. In addition, less than 2,000 acres (8.1 km2), or 0.01% of ANWR, would actually be developed by exploration."

As far as I know, there has never been an oil spill in relation to oil in Alaska. Or am I forgetting something?

"Wildlife adaptation. I don't even know what the hell that means!" You should, isn't that your job? You know, being in the news business and all.

Trig? Okay, seriously?

"What's true about ANWR" is that it will NOT make a difference at the pump within the next twenty years.

It's obvious to me (and Palin for that matter) that Beck has never heard of the word, "research". He's over there chasing windmills like Don Quixote and Palin is probably thinking, "Well that's a stupid question."

This is just typical Glenn Beck. There is no reason to get angry. This is one issue in which I agree with Gov Palin regarding the tapping of Alaska's natural resources.

This particular post on Palin (and Beck) is unfairly biased.

This post is biased? This post consists of a YouTube video. Where is the bias here? What is the bias here?

No, no, no Alice. You're missing the point. This post consists of Palin, and to a greater extent Glenn Beck, making fools of themselves. As we both know, the truth is always biased against them.

What point is there in drilling in the ANWR when it just contains enough oil for six months?

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 31 Aug 2008 #permalink

Oh yeah, I'm pissed off all right. If she and McCain (who is comparatively more sane than she is) are elected, the science base of this country will finally have been eliminated and I start applying for British citizenship.

I am hatching a cunning plan to be put into operation should McCain win come November. A whole load of us Scienceblog groupies who live in Europe will charter a ship, sail it to the US and rescue all of you who want refuge back in Europe. Kind of like Dunkirk, but hopefully without the Stukas.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 31 Aug 2008 #permalink

I disagree with her on just about every position.

But as for putting polar bears on the endangered species list, I understand the reasoning, but I don't agree with it.

Preventing drilling in Alaska, and convincing people about global warming, are both good things, but I can't justify using laws for other than their intended purpose.

I just discovered this post today, and everything that Palin says in this video is ridiculous.

I like how oil is a "god-given" resource, even though she doesn't even think the earth is old enough to produce it. The only cure for her ignorance is to be slapped over the face with hundreds of scientific textbooks.

I will do a lot of crying if she's our next VP.